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IDUG EMEA 2013 Countdown!

With less than three weeks to go until Europe’s largest DB2 event the Triton team are busy preparing for what is sure to be one of the best IDUG conferences to date. With celebrations planned for the 30th anniversary of DB2 and 25th anniversary of IDUG there’s going to be even more activity than usual at the event!

There are going to be lots of great presentations and activities throughout the week but these are our top picks:

Triton Drinks Reception – as part of the anniversary celebrations Triton Consulting will be hosting their annual drinks reception on Monday 14th October. This is an invite only event and places are limited so make sure you pick up your invite from the DBI Software stand number 711. At the reception you will have the chance to pit your wits against fellow industry colleagues in the Ultimate DB2 Geek Battle! There are some fantastic prizes on offer including a Pebble watch.

Complimentary Workshops, IBM Certification Exams and Preparation Courses – there are workshops taking place throughout the week including DB2 for z/OS and DB2 10.1 pre-certification. You can also take advantage of complimentary certification exams. What better time to take some DB2 certifications that when you’ve been spending time dedicated to DB2 learning?

Keynote Sessions – There will be three keynote sessions this year. Our very own Julian Stuhler will be co-hosting 30 Years of DB2 – Past, Present and Future on Tuesday 15th October. We’re also very excited about the Big Data: Old News or Big Hype session with Marcel den Hartog of CA on Thursday 17th October.

DB2 11 for z/OS: Hands-on Experiences – This session with renowned DB2 expert Cristian Molaro is a must-attend for mainframers thinking about their next DB2 version upgrade. Wednesday 16th October 14:30.

RCAC: How to deal with questions like “Where’s my data gone” and “Why are my queries suddenly running so slowly” – Our very own Mark Gillis presents for the first time at IDUG. Join him for this enlightening presentation on RCAC on Thursday 17th October at 09:45.

There are so many other great presentations and activities going on, too many for one blog post! We haven’t even mentioned Paul Stoker’s presentation on Performance Perils Prevented or even the IDUG Solutions Centre! Make sure you check the IDUG website for a full agenda.