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Triton Trio Get Ready for IDUG EMEA 2024

Triton Trio Get Ready for IDUG EMEA 2024

We are getting ready for the IDUG EMEA 2024 Technical Conference in Valencia, Spain! We are sending a trio of Triton’s top experts to share their Db2 experiences and tips.

Gareth Copplestone-Jones, Mark Gillis, and John Campbell will represent Triton at this year’s conference, which will be held at the Palacio de Congresos, Valencia, from Sunday, 27 October, to Thursday, 31 October 2024.

Mark Gillis will be the first to hit the stage on Monday, followed by John Campbell and Gareth Copplestone-Jones, both presenting on Tuesday. You can find information on their presentations and session times below.


Messing with JSON data – how to consume and publish JSON data using Db2

Presenter: Mark Gillis

Date: Monday 28th October

Time: 14:00 – 15:00

Session: F3(SESS-23)

Abstract: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is an open standard data interchange format that has been around since the early 2000s but is gaining more traction all the time.

Data is available from a variety of sources and customers want to be able to consume and publish it without having to involve extra resources, software, or staff. As such, it behoves us in the database community to ensure that we can store it and process the data. This presentation will demonstrate how to accomplish that requirement.


JC War Stories, Greatest Hits and Best Practices 2024 (Part 1 and 2)

Presenter: John Campbell

Date: Tuesday, 29th October 2024

Times: 10:20-11:20 and 11:30-13:30

Sessions: A6(SESS-77) and A7(SESS-77)

Abstract: This two part technical session will provide benefits in terms of: learning recommended best practice; learning from the good, bad, and ugly experiences from other installations; provide answers to important, frequent or difficult questions.

The following topics will be covered: Online delete of active log dataset, Online migration from PBG UTS to PBR UTS table spaces, ALTER TABLE DATA CAPTURE concurrency enhancement, User controls to improve the ability for SQL DDL operations to succeed and/or reduce application service, what they did not tell you about DDF sysplex workload balancing, DDF system parameters MAXCONQN and MAXCONQW, WLM and DDF High Performance DBATs,Enhancements to Fast Traversal Block feature, Considerations using Contiguous Buffer Pool, Use of large index page size, Changes in behaviour after migrating to UTS, War story about insert processing with MEMBER CLUSTER, Considerations when collecting column frequency statistics, Increase in false lock contention when using data sharing.


Introduction to Db2 Restart

Speaker: Gareth Copplestone-Jones

Date: Tuesday, 29th October 2024

Time: 14:00 – 15:00

Session: C8(SESS-33)

Abstract:  It is all too easy to take Db2 restart for granted, but it is important to understand how Db2 restart works so you can plan for and practice restart when there are exception conditions such as LPAR failures, in-doubt units of recovery, or objects in a group buffer pool recovery pending state. Planning, practice, and preparation will stand you in good stead when you have a real emergency and need to restore a business service as soon as possible and at the same time preserve data integrity.


The technical sessions at IDUG EMEA 2024 will be organised by themes. Examples include Automation, Best Practices, User Stories, and Back to Basics.

To see the full list of themes and details of other presenters visit this page.

Registration information for IDUG EMEA 2024 can be found here.