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Flexible Resourcing

Flexible IT resourcing can mean different things to different people.  It could be that your organisation needs access to extra IT skills quickly or on a short-term basis to plug a gap in the team due to unexpected leave.  Perhaps a new project means that you will need extra resources or specialist skills.  To some, flexible resourcing means the ability to call on a trusted supplier for resource on an ad hoc basis without the need to go through a protracted contracting process each time.

Some of the most common resourcing problems which we see from our customers are:

–          Ability to gain access to experienced support for specific projects or tasks

–          Need to supplement resourcing for short-term cover

–          Delays to getting resource on site due to long time-frame procurement and contracting processes

Triton Consulting have come up with a solution to help organisations better manage their resourcing requirements in a flexible and cost effective way.  Our solution is called Consultancy on Demand.  With this type of contract you can purchase a block of hours which can be used over a 12 month period for any type of DB2 related consultancy, project work, ad hoc support or training.  You only have to go through the procurement process once when the contract is set up and from then on you have access to the resource you need, when you need it.

Find out more about Consultancy on Demand

Listen to the podcast from our customer CPA Global on how they have used their Consultancy on Demand hours – Listen Now