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Take a Leap – into the Known!

Take the leap RemoteDBA COVID

Despite the technology for secure remote connections being available for many years, a common pushback from clients when discussing our RemoteDBA service over the years has been “We would rather not allow remote access to our systems.”  It is strange to see how quickly the tide is now turning. Remote access and administration is no longer being seen as an afterthought, and the COVID-19 outbreak is rapidly driving the “digital nomad” lifestyle towards mass adoption.

COVID-19 has shown how quickly organisations can adapt, and the genie is now out of the bottle with many analysts agreeing that the remote working trend set to continue post pandemic crisis. For the RemoteDBA team at Triton, securely connecting to our clients systems to provide cost-effective database support has been our way of life for decades. Whilst our customers have been acclimatising to the challenges that came with COVID-19, they have been able to rest assured their databases continue to be managed remotely with the same care and security as before.

Cost reduction is a commonly cited reason for the changes that many organisations have made due to COVID-19. The cycle of furlough, redundancies, recruitment,  and training of employees is proving to be very costly. Organisations are now looking at Managed Services as a viable option to not only cut costs and “Do more with less,’’ but also to provide consistent and reliable 24×7 cover for their highly available systems. Triton’s RemoteDBA Managed Service offers just that: economies of scale allow us to provide expert database support at significantly lower costs than employing an in-house team. 24×7 cover and cover for staff absences due to holiday, sickness, maternity/paternity leave can be provided at a fraction of the cost of an in-house team.

If you are facing cost and cover challenges in supporting your critical database systems, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, reach out to us. We can help. Many organisations have taken the leap by entrusting their database systems to Triton. Will you?