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Flexible IT – It’s Better to Bend Than to Break

Flexible IT Better to bend than to break blog

When you’re running a small or medium-sized business, it can be hard to find the time to keep everything running smoothly. From daily management to development projects and emergency situations, there’s always something on the horizon.

That’s why it’s important for your company to have a flexible IT support team that can adapt quickly to shifting business needs and do more than just address those emergency scenarios. Adopting a bend not break approach to IT helps you adapt to changes. It enables you to respond quickly and to work through difficulties rather than abandoning a pivotal project halfway through. 

When you are trying to juggle your most critical tasks and projects it can be hard to know where to turn for extra support – especially when you are dealing with staff shortages or the loss of critical skills.

You’ll want a support team that is ready and able to help you manage your systems as efficiently as possible, so it’s important to consider both how much support you need and what kinds of skills the team should have.

At Triton, we know it’s hard to find the right people at the right time. That’s why we offer flexible support options, so you can get the help you need when you need it.

If you are looking for an extra pair of hands to manage your critical tasks and projects, we can bring in expert database skills to cover not only holidays but staff sickness and parental leave too. With Consultancy on Demand (CoD) we can help relieve the pressure of managing resourcing cost effectively.

CoD is an agile and flexible resource solution that gives you rapid access to Triton’s team of data champions.

You can scale our team up or down depending on the project priority or time frame, and you only pay for the time you use.



How does Consultancy on Demand work?

First, you buy a block of consultancy hours – from as few as 20 up to 100 or more. Then you use your hours as and when you need them.

Whether you are looking for a temporary resource or a database consultant on a long-term contract, Triton can help. Want to learn more? Get in touch with our expert team or share this with someone who needs to read it!

Consultancy on Demand Guide
Download our guide to see what you can do with your Consultancy on Demand hours