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DB2 pureScale – not just for the techies!

Over the last few months there has been much interest and excitement about DB2 pureScale, mainly from the technical DB2 community.  Our own technical team have certainly been impressed with the advances IBM have made for DB2 LUW.  However, although there is much to talk about for the techies this is definitely a new technology which should be grabbing the attention of business execs as well. 

In order to get agreement to invest in this new technology IT teams will have to be able to outline the real business benefits.  If the business is calling for IT to bring greater levels of resiliency or are experiencing issues when dealing with workload peaks then DB2 pureScale should definitely be up for discussion.  As always, cost benefits are never far from the mind when it comes to winning approval to invest in new technology.  Currently the average server utilisation is around 15% which leaves 85% of unused capacity*.  By utilizing DB2 pureScale, costs can be reduced by cutting out wastage.  With “pay by the day” pricing from IBM you’re able to pay for the capacity you need, when you need it.

We have said before that DB2 pureScale is the ideal solution for the online retail sector and there has been some great news on this front.  At the beginning of November it was confirmed that DB2 pureScale has been certified for Websphere Commerce Suite – 

For more information on DB2 pureScale visit

*based on IBM figures for x86 servers.