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Heads-up! DB2 Geek Geocaching Competition

With less than a week to go until IDUG EMEA conference in Lisbon we thought we’d give our fellow DB2 Geeks a heads-up on what they’ll need in advance of the Triton and DBI Software competition set to run from midday on Monday 2nd October.

This year’s quiz will be based on a “geocaching” theme, with contestants using a combination of the GPS in their phones and a series of clues to find certain locations in the area surrounding the IDUG conference hotel, the Epic Sana. As always, there will be an element of DB2 technical knowledge required to solve the clues and each clue will be individually posted on Twitter throughout the day on Monday.

Contestants will need the following:

  1. A GPS-enabled phone with an active data plan and the Google Maps app installed (or an equivalent app that allows GPS coordinates to be entered and shown on a map).
  2. Follow @DB2Geek on Twitter, to receive the clues. Don’t have a Twitter account? Set one up here.

@DB2Geek will begin tweeting clues at midday on Monday 2nd October. There will be four clues in total, and the answer to each one will be needed in order to solve the next. Solving the final clue will give you a numeric code that you’ll need to be in with a chance of winning one of our great prizes.

Our partners DBI Software will be handing out a limited number of invitations to the Triton/DBI drinks reception from booth 4 during the IDUG Expo reception on Monday evening. Simply enter the final numeric code on the reverse of the invitation along with your contact details. During the drinks reception, all cards with correct answers will be placed in a tub and randomly drawn for the prizes.

This year’s top prizes include:

  • 1st Prize – 1 x Roomba 650 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
  • 2nd Prize – 3 x Lugloc Luggage Tracker
  • 3rd Prize – 5 x Tile Slim Item Tracker

So join us at La Trattoria restaurant, Rua Artilharia Um, 79, just a three minute walk from the Epic Sana hotel and don’t forget to pack your comfy shoes.

Keep up to date on our event and other IDUG EMEA updates by subscribing to our newsletter, or following us on Twitter and/or LinkedIn.


Some Geeky Technical Details

The answer to each of the quiz clues will be a numeric latitude/longitude, in Decimal Degrees (DD) format (e.g 52.5695, 1.3568). Please see the Wikipedia article here for more information on this format.

Once you have your answer, you can use Google maps to lead you to the next location. Not sure how to do that? More info can be found on Google’s support page, here.