The Triton team have had a whirlwind week at IDUG EMEA. Let’s start by saying a big thank you to the IDUG CPC for all their hard work in making the conference such a success.
A word from Iqbal Goralwalla, Triton Consulting & IDUG CPC member “This was my second year on the CPC and I can truly say that it was a pleasure working with the team to put this event on. IDUG EMEA is such an important event for the DB2 community and I’m delighted to be a part of it. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event such a success and to everyone who took time out of their busy work schedules to attend. Hope to see you all next year in Prague!”
This year we took our DB2 Geek army with us! The Geeks travelled by boat and plane to get to Barcelona:

It was well worth the effort! On day one we all had a great time at the conference opening with motivational speaker Pete Cohen. This proved to be a really interactive and enlightening session.
There was so much going on for the rest of the day that the DB2 Geek team didn’t really see eachother until it was time for our drinks reception in the evening.
Our highlights from the day were:
An inside look at the next release of DB2 LUW – Matt Huras
DB2 11 – The Database for Big Data & Analytics flashbook – Julian’s book signing session:
When we all finally got together to celebrate DB2’s 30th birthday at our joint party with DBI Software we were delighted to see so many happy DB2 faces!. Every attendee received their own DB2 Geek stress toy. Hopefully everyone will take these back to the office to help them out when they’re having a tough day!
Here are a few pictures from the night:

Ian Bjorhovde – DB2 LUW
Our Ultimate DB2 Geek Challenge winners!
Day 2
Despite the festivities of the night before, the Triton team were up bright and early for what promised to be a very busy and interesting day. First up was the Keynote session. Julian Stuhler presented alongside industry colleagues Bonnie Baker and Tim Vincent. They took us on a journey through DB2’s past, present and future:

It was a busy day for Julian as he also presented later on in the day on – DB2 11 for z/OS – IDUG User Experiences. This was a really well attended session which sparked a lot of interesting debate and questions, a big thanks to all those who came along.
Meanwhile, Paul Stoker was preparing to run his session on Performance Perils Prevented, How History Helps.
Over on the LUW side of things our team were enjoying a great session on BLU with Mattias Nicola of IBM. In fact Mark Gillis described this session as “Gold Dust” in his blog. A huge thank you to Mattias for this enlightening presentation.
Day 3
On Wednesday our team had a day off from presenting and so were able to spend some time enjoying other presenters’ hard work, oh and the wonderful coffee supplied by Dan L Database Consulting!
Top highlights from day 3 were:
Fun with SQL
DB2 11 for z/OS – Hands on experiences with Cristian Molaro
Wowzer! Great tips I’ve learned with DB2 – Melanie Stopfer
IBM reception at Barcelona Zoo – Our very own Julian Stuhler was presented with a Top DB2 Consultant award – well done Julian!
Day 4
How could it be the last day of the conference already?! The week had flown by too fast but the last day was shaping up to be a fitting ending to what was a fantastic conference.
First up was our very own Mark Gillis presenting a session on – How to deal with questions like “Where’s my data gone?” and “Why are my queries suddenly running slowly?”
It was Mark’s first time presenting at IDUG so there were a few nerves before the start but it went smoothly and Mark actually managed to enjoy himself! Mark had previously written a series of well received blogs on RCAC and it proved to be a popular subject at IDUG with Mark getting a good turnout for his session.
The closing session on Data Explosion Challenges was very well attended and provided a thought provoking and entertaining end to conference proceedings.
Congratulations to Thomas Baumann for winning the Best IDUG Presentation Award. His sessions on Explaining Tuning Results to the C-level and Prepare to Repair truly were highlights of the week.
All that is left to say is a big thank you to all the IDUG volunteers and CPC who work so hard to make this conference such a success every year.

One last thank you to IDUG and their official photographer for taking (and allowing us to use) some great photos at our drinks reception and around the conference.
See you all next year in Prague.