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IDUG EMEA 2017 – Call for presentations deadline approaching

Are you attending this year’s IDUG EMEA Technical Conference?  There’s still time to submit a presentation abstract. The deadline date for abstract entries is  24th April 2017, so just under a week away. Share your DB2 experiences with fellow members of the DB2 Community.

The Conference Planning Committee is looking for presentations on a range of DB2 related topics including:

  • New DB2 releases: migrating and effective usage
  • Analytics & Business Intelligence
  • New Technologies: Mobile Applications, Cloud, xAAS, …
  • Performance, Availability & Security
  • Application Development and Data Modelling
  • DB2 and Packaged Applications (ERP, …)
  • User Experiences and Best-Practices: what did you achieve with DB2?

This year’s conference takes place on 1st– 5th October in Lisbon, Portugal and includes:

  • Five days of education sessions
  • Half and full-day workshops
  • More than 100 one-hour technical sessions
  • Three expert panels on z/OS, LUW & Application Development

And much more!

The International DB2 User Group (IDUG) is an independent organisation providing educational events, technical resources and peer-driven product training to its members.  IDUG is all about community, with unique access to fellow users, product developers and solution providers, IDUG offers an expansive, dynamic technical support community for DB2 users across the world.