Last official day at IDUG EMEA 2011 in Prague. Similar to last year’s EMEA conference in Vienna, this year’s conference was great. Attendance was up from last year – a move in the right direction. Everyone I talked to seemed to have enjoyed the conference – benefiting from excellent education and networking with fellow DB2 colleagues. Congratulations and a big “Thank You” to the CPC for pulling off an excellent conference.
The best user presentation was Long distance call using pureScale – Early experiences by Frank Petersen (Bankdata) while the best overall presentation was Stuffed with Great Enhancements – DB2 9.7 Fix Pak New Features by Melanie Stopfer (IBM). Both selections were very well deserved.
Looking forward to next year’s conference in Berlin – November 4-9, 2012. Block these dates in your diary and see you there! 🙂