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Major High Street Bank Choose Triton Consulting’s zTune Service

Shortly after bringing their latest service to market in May 2013, Triton Consulting have won another zTune customer.

A major name in high street banking has invited Triton to carry out a zTune audit on their existing workloads with a view to dramatically reducing their monthly mainframe software licence costs. With tens of millions of customers, this organisation relies on IBM Mainframe hardware to keep it’s business processes running 24/7.

“Customers recognise the security and reliability benefits of running their operations on IBM Mainframe hardware. However, rising costs and squeezed budgets are a challenge. It’s clear from these early wins that the zTune service has the potential to help many customers to keep their workloads running on Mainframe hardware whilst significantly reducing their monthly mainframe licencing costs.” Laura Hood, Marketing Manager, Triton Consulting Ltd.

zTune is a service designed to help customers regain control of mainframe software charges. These charges are usually based on peak usage. Whatever a customers’ peak workload in a given month is what they pay for. This means that one workload spike could push costs up significantly.

With zTune, Triton help customers to regain control of software charges by running an audit of the current environment and identifying when and where the workload peaks occur. Typically customers can reduce their peak CPU charges by a minimum of 3% with no performance impacts whatsoever and many customers can reduce their peak by 5% from this initial analysis.

“We are delighted to be working with this customer, our zTune service is unique within the industry as it provides an auditing capability through to specific workload tuning. This combination allows customers to see dramatic cost reductions in their monthly mainframe licencing without compromising on performance” Julian Stuhler, Solutions Delivery Director, Triton Consulting.

The zTune service is usually carried out over three phases. Phase one includes the initial audit of the environment. Phases two and three go into further detailed analysis and tuning activities. The analysis is conducted on workloads running during the peak periods responsible for the monthly licence costs. Specific workloads (CICS, DB2, IMS etc) are analysed to uncover scope for further cost reduction through additional tuning. Optimisation and tuning is then carried out to ensure that all workloads are running in the most cost effective and efficient way possible.

Download the white paper here