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Mission Impossible: Improving DB2 Scalability, Availability AND Performance While Doubling Workload

Join Triton Consulting Director, Paul Stoker at the IDUG DB2 Technical Conference in Berlin next month for the must attend presentation ‘Mission Impossible: Improving DB2 Scalability, Availability AND Performance While Doubling Workload’.

As the lead DB2 DBA for the Digital Banking Division of a large UK-based retail bank, Paul describes that ‘in a recent project, the prospect of dramatically improving scalability & availability of a DB2 z/OS hosted 24*7 internet banking application in one year was hard enough. The additional complexity of a doubling in transaction and customer numbers, whilst maintaining performance, made this an even more challenging assignment.’  Paul will be sharing his experience of working on the project, discussing design, strategy and implementation, including Data Sharing, high insert performance and dynamic workload balancing.

The presentation is aimed at Database Administrators and Systems Programmers at beginner and intermediate levels.

Session Number: 517

When: Thu, Nov 08, 2012 (09:45 AM – 10:45 AM)

Where: Estrel Saal C6Estrel Hotel, Berlin

How: Register as a delegate by clicking here

Find out more about Paul’s presentation or click here for further information on what the IDUG DB2 Technical Conference has to offer.