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Database Services / Consultancy on Demand

Consultancy on Demand

Consultancy on Demand is a service designed for clients who need varying levels of database support and consultancy during the year.

How does Consultancy on Demand work?

Consultancy on Demand offers a flexible hourly support plan that provides you with rapid access to Triton’s team of data experts.

You can purchase a block of 10, 20, 50 or 100+ hours. You can even enjoy savings with bulk hour purchases.

Support hours can be used in a variety of ways including time-boxed consultancy projects, performance reviews, database housekeeping and recovery reviews, training courses, database version upgrades, Database DevOps, security reviews, or to provide specific skills where they may be lacking in the team.

You can use your hours whenever you need them, and you can add more hours to your support pack at any time.

Consultancy on Demand


If you are looking for extra support to manage your critical tasks or projects, we can bring in expert database skills to cover not only holidays but staff sickness and parental leave too. With Consultancy on Demand, we can help relieve the pressure of managing resourcing cost effectively.

Consultancy on Demand scales up or down as you need it. If you have a high-priority project or a short timescale, our experts can step in to help you hit the deadline. Then, when things return to normal, your in-house team can take the reins once more.

Our flexible hourly support plan allows you to access unique database expertise and skills on demand without the commitment of a monthly consultancy fee or framework agreement. This means you can maintain all your information systems while keeping a close eye on costs. If you need more hours, you can purchase additional hours whenever you want.

Since this is a pre-purchased package, you won’t have to go through a procurement process every time you need support. The hours are stored and ready for your use when needed.

Triton’s consultants are internationally recognised for their expertise. We have four IBM Gold Consultants and five IBM Champions for Data and AI. As well as expert consultancy in all areas of data management, Triton covers a wider spectrum of high-level consultancy including senior project management, technical planning, technical architecture, performance tuning, and systems programming.

With Consultancy on Demand, you get the right people at the right time. We will assign a dedicated account consultant to work closely with you, ensuring a thorough understanding of your needs. Whether your requirements involve database management, project management, or training and education, we provide the best possible solutions.

Still running Db2 V11.1 or older?

Sometimes organisations need to stay on older, unsupported database versions, which can pose significant risks. Consultancy on Demand is available for all versions of IBM Db2 software, including those out of support. This provides access to top Db2 skills when issues arise, serving as an “insurance policy” for your Db2 database.

Consultancy on Demand hours can be used over 12 months for activities like health checks and accessing expertise for technical questions.


"We were working to a very tight timeframe and were looking for a partner who could help us de-risk the migration and carry it out smoothly and within the timeframe. Triton Consulting was selected to partner with Evolution Commerce owing to their industry renowned levels of Db2 expertise. Having Triton as a key part of the migration team throughout the journey was invaluable. "

Jan Lannér

Research And Development Manager


Consultancy on Demand Guide
Download our guide to see what you can do with your Consultancy on Demand hours
Triton Consultancy on Demand Service Doc
Designed for clients who need varying levels of consultancy during the year